The Basque Campaign 1937
March 31 - June 19, 1937
:Nationalist offensive of the Army of the North to conquer and
sieze Basque territories and industry. Supported by Italian troops,
Italian Expeditionary Force and German Condor Legion aircraft, tanks,
and an abundance of artillery, Navarrese Carlists of the Army of
the North attacked poorly equipped Basques. Bad weather delayed
offensive after initial gains but despite stubborn resistence, Basques
were beaten and their capital, Bilbao, was taken. Nationalists captured
their first industrial region when Basques refused to follow scorched
earth policy that would leave their people destitute. Terror bombings
of Guernica and Durango occured during this campain. Basques and
allies suffered more than 30,000 casualties of which about a third
were fatalities. Nationalists suffered about the same with approximately
4000 being killed [Santa