Carro Ligero de Infantería T-26B
With the Soviet Union coming forward as the principal supplier
of the Spanish Republic, the arrival of Soviet tanks in the Republican
arsenal gave the Loyalists considerable armoured superiority as
the cannon bearing T-26 B’s greatly outclassed the Italian
and German light tanks being supplied to the Nationalists. However,
poor tactics led the Republic to squander most of these tanks in
costly armoured assaults, unsupported by infantry, or to diffuse
their offensive capability by allotting them to static defense or
infantry support roles. Though most T-26 B’s were found in
Republican service, the Nationalist troops resorted to a number
of measures to capture these tanks as the only means of achieving
armoured parity with the Republicans. Therefore, some Nationalist
tank units actually utilized captured Soviet tanks, with appropriate
Nationalist markings to protect them against mistaken air attacks.
Republican T-26 B’s were shipped to Spain with radios and
for game purposes have radio capability in the earlier scenarios
when crewed by Soviets. As Republican Spanish crews took over,
they ripped out the radios, desiring more room and being more comfortable
with signal flags. Thus, later scenarios having mixed Russo-Spanish
or Spanish crews will be radioless. The T-26 B had a crew of 3.
The Spanish designation for this tank was Carro Ligero de Infanteria
T-26 B
Mod information & download
This modification replaces the Soviet T-26 model 1933
Download from:
Carro Ligero de Infanteria T-26, without camo
Carro Ligero de Infanteria T-26, with camo
These modifications are based on the Soviet T-26 model 1933.
Illustrations and documentation from [Marín
y Mata]
Introductory texts from [Santa
Modification by Magomar